Tuesday, May 10, 2016

A mini update

Hey guys! Long time no talk! I'm here to tell you that yes, I had finished my graduate program, and yes I had applied for my certifacation so I will be able to teach in the state of PA very soon!!

Also, I am trying to reach 1,000 subscribers on my channel, so if you could give it a little look-see that would be nice :) 

That's the link 

Also, thank you to those who have been encouraging me to make new content, and more videos, you guys rock :) 

And update on my eyes, 
My eyes are stable still, nothing much to talk about here about them. 
Enjoy your day 
Till next time.. :) 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Long time no see!!!

Hey guys!!!

I'm starting my student teaching journey on Tuesday (Jan/26/16) and I'm excited and very nervous, I have gotten all of my stuff for student teaching... 

No worries, my YouTube channel will be updated on a weekly basis (like always) 
Here is the link 
If anyone wants to spread this to forums, and different sites? Feel free to! Go for it :) I'm still looking for ways to spread this around, any help you guys are willing to give, do it please :) 

Student teaching is starting very soon, and well, I'm scared, not about my vision getting in the way, but just teaching the students in general... I have been told many times before I am a natural teacher, but I'm still scared.... I mean, sure my vision will get in the way if I let it, but I don't think it will be me downfall... If anything it will help me more so than hurt me. 

Comment below if your child were in a classroom with a student teacher with a disability, would you allow it? Accept it? Or what? I would love to hear what you think :) 

Till next time