Monday, May 18, 2015

Being Bullied

To answer the question, yes, I was bullied, more online than anything. I had bullies in my high school too, and my ex had bullied me.

Younger Years

I was never out right bullied in school, the one thing that really stands out to me when i was with my friend as chuckie cheese and I had told my friend to get out of a place because i thought it was stupid, and another girl had thought i was calling her stupid, so she had said to me "I am going to beat this blind B**** up" I had ran to my parents and had told them the whole story. I had just turned (, and it was on my birthday that thhis had happened to me.

High School

I had a rolly back pack for my laptop. so I would go up and down the halls with this back pack, and kids would say I purposefully ran over their feet while i was walking. I did not and still do not have eyes in the back of my head. One day, i was threatened to be beaten up because i had purposefully ran over this guy's girls foot.I was so scared i ran to my next class early to tell the teacher what had been said on my way over to my next class.

Another time was when I was in gym, and I could not play the normal sports, so I was in the workout gym, and while I was on the treadmill, a girl was trying to come back into the school, and she was knocking on the door for someone to let her in, and at the time, I couldn't see anyone there. So I did nothing, than someone had let her in, and just as they did, she started to curse me out by saying "I don't care how Fed up your eye is, I'ma mess you up". I had told my teacher and he had talked to her, turns out she was having a bad day.... although everyday was a bad day for her.

Cyber Bullying

I was Cyber bullied a lot actually. I have had a hate group made in my name on Facebook. I have had fake accounts made using my name trying to defame me. My ex was involved with the fake accounts. I know, scum, right? well, I had no idea what he was up to till he left me. He was friends with this one girl, and that girl seemed to be jealous of me for some reason, anyway... He was feeding her lies about me, and that fueled her anger towards me. she had created a fake account of Facebook and a site called MeetMe, on MeetMe, she had made me out to be a scumbag, who only wanted one thing. when I am not like that at all. She had said something on there that provoked one my friends to text me about what she had said, and I was confused as to why my friend would have had said what he had. that had my curiosity
peeked, and it made me do some digging. This girl had more than one account, all telling some sappy story about her being abused and what not. when on the account that she had made to defame me, she had said that my eye was the way it was because i had gotten into a fight with the girl, and ended up in the hospital, with my eye looking like it does now. (Not true).

Verbal Bullying/Abuse

I was bullied by my ex, he would call me ugly and the B word, (No, not "Blind"). and he would tell me he was going somewhere when i would call him, he told me something completely different. One night, he had told me he was out with 13 - 15 year olds to the movies... but it was alright, because he was helping pick up girls for his "Friend" who he had met online. He would just verbally bash me when I was out with my mom to try to ruin my time outside my home. He would call me, start a fight than hang up, and never answer his phone for hours on end.This is not even the half of it....

After affects

I have many mental blocks to where i cannot get past them, I have anxiety and panic attacks if I am triggered. and I used to have dreams to where i had yelled at my ex, then beat him up in the dream, than woke up and felt strange because it was in the beginning of my current relationship. I had grown out of that though, meaning that these dreams do not happen anymore. Bullying should never be a reason to get rid of anger, to make yourself feel better. Bullying should never happen at all. but it happens. If you are a parent of a kid with Peters, tell your son or daughter that everything will be OK soon, and just comfort them. It will get better, (regardless if you have Peter's or not) It will get better within time. I Promise.

Till next time

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