Saturday, May 16, 2015

Life With a Label

Life With a Label

Yes, i am disabled, Handicapped, what have you, when i was a little girl, I always had gotten stares from both kids my age, and younger and also adults... I am normal, or "Average" i can do everything that an average person can do, maybe even better. people seem to underestimate my abilities, because of my eye being "different". I think I am Unique, if you have something different about you, Own it, because nobody is like you. even though society wants you to conform, and be "Average" or "Normal", just be you. I break those social norms whenever i walk out of my house, and i am not afraid of leaving my house to go to the store or anything. My eyes have held my back from a few things, simply because people could not look past them. i was a Cheerleader in middle school, and i was going to make it to the competition squad, but i never had because the coach did not want to be liable if anything happened to me. while in her care, a few girls who were spotting a stunt had dropped a girl, (dropped the flyer) this, in cheer lingo, is bad news. why did she say that, if a girl was dropped and broke her arm while she was watching the stunt fall apart in front her eyes? she was afraid. that is all that was.

Living life with a physical condition is kind of hard because i do get stares, and some are the curious looks and glances, and some are those ignorant stares. i can handle the looks and glances, not the stares. i had even gotten a few questions from those who had talked to me a few times, before getting to know me a little before asking the "forbidden" question.... "What happened to your eye?" if they are younger i tend to respond with the "I was born this way" if they are older, i tend to explain it a little more if they let me. I don't min answering questions, it just I always get the same question, and it always comes across as awkward. if you have a question, about anything, be confident that you are asking the question to get information back, not to have a hidden meaning behind it.

the ONLY thing I cannot do, is drive. I can do everything else, I can type this blog, i can read, I can text using a cell phone, I can do EVERYTHING else BUT drive. i had to add this, because i normally get the worst trolls out there who say "How can you type this, if you are blind?' I am Legally Blind, meaning, i can see, but i can't it is like trying to explain to someone i can walk, but I can't, people tend not to believe me, because of this fact that is very hard to describe to someone when they hear "Blind" they automatically think "Oh she can't see at all", when they don't take the time to listen to the "Legally" in frint of the "b" word.

I have to rely on friends, or family to take me places. this is hard to do because i have to work around their schedules. and most times, the people who taking my places don't want to, or don't think that they have time for it, or something like that. In the end, i get what i need to do, done. sometimes i just need to jump through hoops to go has just been a way of life for me. As a kid, I didn't think too much about it, But now I just want independence and i would love to drive, but I cannot. so that is not an option right now. it's fine though, I don't mind, I just have my privet Chauffeurs for the day haha.

I still get stares, and looks and glances. I just don't notice that often though. I just accepted it, I know, sounds weird but i had. I don't notice hardly at all. I do notice the stares though. and the stares get annoying. I can only smile at them, or wave, or say something that would sound rude regardless of however it was said. i normally just smile at those people who stare.

I have trouble seeing in the dark, or very dim lighting. i always hold on to the railings if they are there, if not, then i just take my time. whenever it's dark out and i walk back from class, i normally call my boyfriend to not walk back to my house alone, and to have someone with me that is not my parents. it has gotten to the point to where he just knows i am going to call at a certain time, and he is always free during that time, just to make sure i get back safe.

Any questions about this post, ask them below

Till next time

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